About Me

Semi-retired technology (originally) entreprenuer living in Seattle with my partner, Michael, and our three cats: Barnum, Bailey and Buster.  Currently mostly on hiatus from technology; exploring new things I couldn't when I worked full-time.  And...continuing my love of all goods baked. 

About this Website

Musings on things that interest me: the stock market, personal and enterprise technology, pop culture/entertainment as well as my family and other general observations in my daily life.  Also, this is the place to find out more about our charitable foundation and what non-profits we are currently supporting.

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New Website Section: On Biking

In an effort to spare my non-cycling Facebook friends from having to partake in all my biking escapades, I have created a new section on my website specific to cycling which I have spared from automatic Facebook posting.  

In this new section I have started a database of sorts of what I find to be some of the best rides around the area as well as some of the best routes I find to get from place to place.  I have started using MapMyRide.com to keep track of those routes and will embed maps with the postings as appropriate.

If you are interested in my 2-wheel adventures around the city and Puget Sound area, you can follow me on Twitter which will be updated automatically or subscribe to this RSS feed of the biking section of my website.

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