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Semi-retired technology (originally) entreprenuer living in Seattle with my partner, Michael, and our three cats: Barnum, Bailey and Buster.  Currently mostly on hiatus from technology; exploring new things I couldn't when I worked full-time.  And...continuing my love of all goods baked. 

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Musings on things that interest me: the stock market, personal and enterprise technology, pop culture/entertainment as well as my family and other general observations in my daily life.  Also, this is the place to find out more about our charitable foundation and what non-profits we are currently supporting.

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#miley "Party in the USA" #lyric #fail 

You can put that judgemental face away there mister (missey)!  Yes, I likes me some Miley.  What about it?!?

For some reason today I decided to actually listen to all the lyrics in "Party in the USA".  Did you realize that Miley lands at LAX and then takes a cab, presumably to a Hollywood club where she will arrive in "kicks" as opposed to the female shoe of choice in SoCal, the stilletto?  Well, anyone who knows LA knows that LAX is in the extreme west of the city and that Hollywood is north and a little to the east.  This means the Hollywood sign is in the mountains north above the city.  So how is it that Miley sees the Hollywood sign when she looks to the right (come on sing it with me, you know you want to:  "Jumped in the cab, here I am for the first time.  Look to my right, and I see the Hollywood sign")?

If you are travelling in the back of a cab heading north on the 405 and then east on Santa Monica Blvd. toward Hollywood, the mountains with the Hollywood sign are on your left, not your right.   They don't have those British cabs in LA where you can sit backwards which would have fixed the problem.  Maybe she visited her peeps in Chino first (in the extreme east of LA), but forgot about that part of the trip when writing the song.  Or maybe she really landed at Burbank or Pasadena, but it didn't sound as cool ("I hopped off the plane at Burbank(Pasadena) with a dream and my cardigan..".  It's one of life's mysteries.


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