About Me

Semi-retired technology (originally) entreprenuer living in Seattle with my partner, Michael, and our three cats: Barnum, Bailey and Buster.  Currently mostly on hiatus from technology; exploring new things I couldn't when I worked full-time.  And...continuing my love of all goods baked. 

About this Website

Musings on things that interest me: the stock market, personal and enterprise technology, pop culture/entertainment as well as my family and other general observations in my daily life.  Also, this is the place to find out more about our charitable foundation and what non-profits we are currently supporting.

« Navigating Renton | Main | Another impromptu ride...South Lake Washington Loop »

W. Seattle to Kent

I have a regular weekly meeting in Kent, so I when the weather is nice, I use the opportunity to get in a 36mi round-trip.  The great thing about this ride is that with the Interurban trail I could keep going all the way to Pacific (though I have no idea what I'd do once I got there).  It is flat flat flat.  A great training ride and good ride for beginners.


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