I said I'd start updating you on what I've been doing over the past 8 months. Well, here's the first.
I didn't stop cycling, that's for sure.
This is a picture of my odometer at exactly 6,000 miles on the eve of the 1st anniversary of the purchase of my current favorite two-wheeled mode of transport. It seems like a big milestone to me though maybe to some of you more serious cycle guys it's just a drop in the bucket. I have to admit I would not have made it to that number without the help of this indoor trainer. You do know we live in the rain capital of the US don't you? You can't possibly expect me to take those skinny, no tread tires and fenderless wheels out on the streets during the 8 months of craptastic weather we get here. I've said before I'm only a fair-weather cyclist. But with the trainer, I was able to average about 16 miles/day even during those wet months.
Then, around June 6 I looked down and realized that I was about 24 days from A-day (anniversary day) with about 800 miles still to go before I hit the magic 6K number (a number mind you which is larger than the number of miles we have put on our X6 M over the same one year period). The weather had finally started acting like summer (though you wouldn't know that now given that we are in the middle of July with more rain than ever in the month's history of reporting) so my Type-A personality kicked in and I decided to go for it. It was going to require a lot of committment and at least 33 miles/day to make it to the finish line.
On that last day, with exactly 40 miles still to go before I hit 6,000, I almost had to give up because of the weather (go figure). But mid-afternoon we finally got some clearing . I took the opportunity and set out on one of my favorite rides, around the south-end of Lake Washington, which as it happens is exactly 39.4 miles. As I reached home from that ride I couldn't just stop at 5,999.4 miles. Noooo. So I waved to my other half who was on the balcony waiting for me and continued down the road another .3 miles so that when I finally returned home my odometer would look exactly like this picture.
Over the next year I'd like to do 7,000, but this weather we're having right now isn't helping my cause. Wish me luck.